Saturday, May 16, 2020

Drug Trafficking in the US Free Essay Example, 2000 words

Narco-terrorism is among growing threats to national security that has been given increased attention for a couple of years. DEA of the United States defines narco-terrorism as the engagement of groups or individuals in providing security for, taxing, or abetting endeavors of drug trafficking in order to fund terrorist activities. For instance, according to the events that took place on 9/11, it is clearly evident that the connection between drug trafficking and terrorism has negatively affected national security. At first, narco-terrorism was known to be a threat to Latin Americans, but now it has wreaked chaos around the globe. From the IRA of Ireland, FARC of Colombia, and PKK of Turkey, narco-terrorism methods are used by numerous terrorist groups as well as drug cartels. Since globalization has led to world markets interconnectivity, this has resulted in illicit trade in global markets. As a result, this has allowed interaction between world criminal groups whereby drug traffic king funds the activities of these crime groups and terrorist organizations. The threats that are caused by the narco-terrorism result in a multitude of national security issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Drug Trafficking in the US or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Tijuana s situation highlights the importance of countering crimes and sustaining security in conflict regions.

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