Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare - 2269 Words

Although all humans develop personality traits as early as three to four months after birth, our unique natures and behaviors eventually unfold and serve as barcodes that distinguish us from one another. However, human beings are much more complex: we have unique personalities, but small diversions in an individual s behavior can point towards certain mental illnesses. The American Psychiatric Association has catalogued these mental illnesses and their symptoms in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, otherwise known as the DSM-5. In The Tragedy of Hamlet, a play written by William Shakespeare during the early 17th century, a young Danish prince of the same name demonstrates abnormal deviations from typical human behavior. By drawing from specific scenes of the play and specific diagnoses from the DSM-5, it is revealed that Hamlet shows symptoms of Bipolar 1 disorder. Hamlet shows symptoms of excessive involvement in activities that are likely to have undesirable consequences. This is seen towards the end of Act One of the play. After hearing about sightings of his father’s ghost, Hamlet decides to wait with his friends Marcellus and Horatio in the middle of night in order to see it for himself. Once he spots the ghost, he recognizes his father’s figure and decides to follow it. Marcellus and Horatio warn Hamlet about the risks of following the ghost: it can persuade Hamlet to kill himself, or drive him mad. However, Hamlet refuses toShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1427 Words   |  6 PagesWhy has Hamlet’s rage led him to a death that was destined to happen? Simple, his absolute motive was to seek revenge for the death of his father, who was once the King of Denmark. In this tragedy, Hamlet wanted to put on this image of an insane man. This would mislead the people around him from his intentions of killing King Claudius, who is strangely his uncle and â€Å"father† si multaneously. Claudius takes the throne for Denmark after pouring poison down King Hamlet’s ear without leaving any evidenceRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1483 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet is a misfortunate play that exhibits Prince Hamlet’s internal and external conflicts which show the ultimate purpose of the story. Revenge is perhaps the greatest theme in Hamlet, and is shown by the conflicts Prince Hamlet has with his family, friends, and a girlfriend as well as within his self. The anguish Hamlet feels towards his new father and his mother is magnified by the discovery that they were both involved in his father, the king’s, murder. ThisRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1131 Words   |  5 PagesTragedy, according to American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, is a drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, esp ecially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances. In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, tragedy is no short supply. Shakespeare takes the reader on a journey of epic proportions through the struggles and conflicts, internal andRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1543 Words   |  7 Pagesplay, The Tragedy of Hamlet, seems to have a domino effect. As Hamlet tries to get his revenge, he brings ruin upon the kingdom. Hamlet is self-doubtful; he doubts himself to a point where he does not know what is true in his life. He constantly contradicts himself, causing many people, whose death was unintended, to die. In Williams Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet, in order to portray Hamlet’s tragedy, Shakespeare uses soliloquies, metaphors, symbolism, and anti-thesis. Shakespeare utilizesRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare Essay822 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1604, William Shakespeare finished one of the most famous plays of revenge in English history. This play has left a plethora of questions, most left unanswered even after the hundreds of scholars who have analyzed it. The complexity and multiple facades of the characters, the use of many themes, and the symbols in this play have been construed into a delicate tale; Shakespeare purposely left out many details in order to shroud this piece in mystery. In The Tragedy of Hamlet, Shakespeare s vagueRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare2594 Words   |  11 PagesJulian A tragedy is a dramatic work that is about a character whose tragic flaw leads to his downfall and to the demise of many of the other characters. William Shakespeare was a playwright during the Elizabethan Era who was made famous for his literary works of tragedies, comedies and sonnets. One of Shakespeare?s most renowned tragedies is Hamlet. In this classic tragedy the protagonist, Hamlet, pursues revenge and seeks justice against the antagonist, Claudius, for the murder of King Hamlet. As aRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1146 Words   |  5 Pages How certain can one be that they will see tomorrow? How certain can one be that they will see the next second? In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet, all of the characters face uncertainty at some point in the story. The character of Hamlet is, for lack of a better term, a laggard; he procrastinates like no other, making him an uncertain character in his entirety. His most famous line is â€Å"To be , or not to be? That is the question.† The entire scene is about Hamlet’s uncertainty about suicideRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare Essay1334 Words   |  6 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s, The Tragedy of Hamlet, each character stands out in unique ways. Madness is one of the crucial themes as Shakespeare depicts the chaotic turbulence in the Hamlet family and the court of Denmark. Though she is generally read as a minor character, Ophelia’s madness reveals the struggle of the female character that attempts to have a voice of her own. Ophelia’s life certainly seems tragic based on Aristotle s definition of tragedy, which says that â€Å"A tragedy is the imitationRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare Essay1829 Words   |  8 PagesThe tragedy of Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare is one of the best tragedies ever written. The term hamartia, coined by the philosopher Aristotle in his writing Poetics, can be d efined as â€Å"tragic flow,† to miss the mark â€Å"leading to a mistake† (American Heritage Dictionary). Aristotle points out that: tragedy is an imitation not only of a complete action, but of events inspiring fear or pity as well as the tragic hero must not be an utter villain or a perfect man, but he must be, then: theRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1931 Words   |  8 Pages William Shakespeare is an English Poet known for his famous dramatized writings. Shakespeare was born in the United Kingdom in April. Here are some of his legendary texts: â€Å"Macbeth†, â€Å"Julius Caesar†, and â€Å"Hamlet†. â€Å"The Tragedy of Hamlet† was written during the sixteenth century and was performed in 1609. Shakespeare writes this tragedy to reveal the roles of women during the Middle Ages. Back then females were referred as noblewomen and were expected to do the following: run households, take care

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Analysis Of The Play Death Of A Salesman - 954 Words

Darrian Dowden AP English IV Death of a Salesman Written Assignment Death of a Salesman Character Analysis 1.Willy Loman. Although the main protagonist of the play, Willy Loman does not come to a certain self-realization. Searching and sifting through his memories (which cannot be completely taken as the truth as he reinvents them in a way to make them out as a golden era) he fails to recognize his slanted reality he’s lived in made up of his delusions. His forged relationship with his son Biff, is based solely off Willy’s hopes that he will fulfill the ‘American Dream’, while Happy contently complies to this idea1. Linda, his wife and Charley, a longtime friend of sorts, serve as symbols of logic for Willy recognizing his confliction but shielding him, helping him move along with life. 2.Linda Loman. Linda is a place of logic for Willy, over the years she has grown conflicted as her and Willy see freedom in different means. She adores Willy and appreciates him for who he is and what he has done, but cannot agree or seem to shake him from this idea of the ‘dream’. While Willy see’s delusions she sees the reality of most things, including the reality of her son, Biff’s plight in finding himself as she doesn’t criticized the way he’s lived his life thus far. She loves her family and provides the emotional context of the play. 3.Biff Loman Biff rather than being trapped in ideals of the ‘American Dream’(as his father and brother are) he is moreShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Play Death Of A Salesman 1041 Words   |  5 PagesResearch paper for â€Å"Death of a Salesman† In the play â€Å"death of a salesman† by author miller, the dramatist focuses on the theme of â€Å"the American dream†. Lowman, a botched salesman, is the protagonist of the play. Willy is certain that society only has room for winners. In support of this, the play’s theme demonstrates how a victim of â€Å"the American dream† can be destroyed by fabricated promises that will impact not only â€Å"business life but will conflict with personal relationships as well† (ElwellRead MoreAnalysis Of The Play Death Of A Salesman Essay1739 Words   |  7 PagesTheatrical writing is no exception. In the play Death of a Salesman the protagonist is not necessarily the main character. The protagonist in this play is the main character’s son Biff. However, in the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof it is harder to determine if the protagonist is Brick or Maggie, but I believe Brick is the main protagonist. In the play Dutchman it is quite the opposite and the protagonist, Clay, is very clearly emphasized. These three plays and their respective protagonists are all goodRead MoreAnalysis Of The Play Death Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1612 Words   |  7 Pages Selling More Than Just Merchandise The play, Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller explores topics that are parallel to the lives of the common man. This makes his play relevant during many different eras, as the central issues discussed correlate with struggles of everyday common people, no matter at what point in history the play is shown. This makes his play very versatile in nature as it can be shown throughout the decades. His play can be considered a classic story; one that cannot be forgottenRead MoreWilly from Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller: Abandoned and Flawed798 Words   |  4 Pages The dramatic play Death of a Salesman, composed by Arthur Miller in 1949 portrays the hours leading up to Willy Loman’s death. Willy is a sixty-year-old salesman living in Brooklyn New York with his wife Linda and after thirty-five years working as a traveling salesman he feels defeated by his lack of success and difficult family life. As a salesman, Willy Loman focuses more on personality and being well liked by everyone than actual skills. When he returns early from a business trip it is apparentRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman Tragedy Essay1365 Words   |  6 PagesDeath of a Salesman is a tragic play written in 1949 by Arthur Miller. The story is about a salesman who lost his identity after having an affair with another woman and can’t seem to accept the changes in his life since the event. The story has been performed in theaters and shown on film for many years. Lee Siegel, a writer for The Nation explains the role of Death of a Salesman in the entertainment industry: Every ten years or so, Death of a Salesman is revived, and every ten years we get theRead MoreComparing Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and Fences by August Wilson 1403 Words   |  6 PagesFences written by August Wilson and Death of a Salesman written by Arthur Miller are two plays that could be considered very different in terms of their plot. The plots of both plays contain two very different cultural backgrounds which affects each protagonist differently. If the reader or audience looks past the plot into the theme and symbolisms used they can see that the plays are more similar than they are different. In spite of the different cultural backgrounds of each protagonist they bothRead More Death of a Salesman is a Tragedy as Defined in Millers Tragedy and the Common Man1046 Words   |  5 PagesDeath of a Salesman is a Tragedy as Defined in Millers Tragedy and the Common Man In Tragedy and the Common Man, Arthur Miller discusses his definition and criteria for tragedy as they apply to the common man. The criteria and standards proposed by Miller may be used to evaluate his timeless work, Death of A Salesman. The first major standard of tragedy set forth is:   â€Å"...if the exaltation of tragic action were truly a property of the high-bred character alone, it is inconceivable thatRead MoreWilly Loman, the Modern Hero in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman1739 Words   |  7 Pagesheroes, otherwise known as the protagonists, illustrated by tragic Greek playwrights, were never normal people. All heroes were citizens of high class, such as princes. This was due in part because plays were seen as a luxury for refined citizens. Aristocratic citizens did not want to pay to watch plays about the peasants of society. They wanted to relate to the characters; therefore, all heroes of Greek tragedy were elite members of society. An additional distinguishing factor of the Greek heroesRead MoreThemes Of Death Of A Salesman1286 Words   |  6 PagesA Blanketed Illusion Death of a Salesman is a tragicomedy centered on the events that take place at the end of Willy Loman’s life. From the opening act, we learn that Willy and his family struggle to behave as a united front when they face financial pressures and strained familial bonds. This causes Willy to become desperate for success and validation. Death of a Salesman has commonly been interpreted as an analysis of the American dream. Within the ideal American society, citizens believe that theRead MoreEssay about The American Dream in Death of a Salesman1371 Words   |  6 PagesArthur Miller’s ‘Death of a Salesman’ is an examination of American life and consumerism. It relates the story of a common man who portrays this lifestyle. Other issues explored in the play include: materialism, procrastination and alienation. The play was set in 1948, in a time where The American Dream was highly regarded, despite the Depression. The American Dream was a belief that emerged in th e later half of the nineteenth century, that if you work hard you will achieve success and prosperity

Friday, December 13, 2019

Private Tutions Are a Necessary Evil Free Essays

contact@sjcallahabad. org Class-9th Subject- History/Civics Short answer questions Civics Q. 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Private Tutions Are a Necessary Evil or any similar topic only for you Order Now Q. 2. Q. 3. Q. 4. Q. 5. Q. 6. Q. 7. Q. 8. Chapter Political Parties Define a Political party. Give any two ingredients of a political party. Give two reasons to explain why the candidates belong to political parties. Name the three party systems prevalent in the modern world. The bi party system is regarded as the best system for democratic countries. Give the demerits of Multi party system. Mention the two types of parties in India. What are National parties? Give their importance. Q. 9. What are Regional parties? Give their importance. Q. 10. Differentiate between National and regional parties. Q. 11. Name two national and two regional parties of India. Q. 12. Give any two policies of the following parties. i) Indian National Congress. ii) Janta Dal iii) Bhartiya Janta Party. iv) Communist Party of India (CPI) v) Communist Party of India. (M) Chapter Local Self Government (Rural) What is Local Self Government? What is Local Government? Why do we need a local self Government? Which committee suggested ways to set up the Panchayati Raj in India and when? Give the three levels of the rural local self Government? Name the local body formed at the village level. Give the Composition of a Gram Sabha. Give the Sources of income of a Gram Sabha. Mention any three functions of a Gram Sabha. Name the executive body of a Gram Sabha. How is a Gram Panchayat formed? Give any three functions of a Gram Panchayat. Name the local body at the block level in rural local self Government. What is a Nyaya Panchayat? What is its significance? Q. 15. What are the other names of the Panchayat Samiti? Q. 1. Q. 2. Q. 3. Q. 4. Q. 5. Q. 6. Q. 7. Q. 8. Q. 9. Q. 10. Q. 11. Q. 12. Q. 13. Q. 14. Discuss. contact@sjcallahabad. org Q. 16. Q. 17. Q. 18. Q. 19. Q. 20. Q. 21. Q. 22. Q. 23. Explain any three functions of a Panchayat Samiti. Name the highest local body in rural local self Government. Who are the members of a Zila Parishad? Mention any five duties of Zila Parishad. Mention any two achievements of Panchayat Raj. Mention any two short comings of Panchayati Raj. How is the administration of a district looked after? What are the functions of a District Collector? History Chapter Renaissance. Q. 1. What marks the end of the Middle Ages and the advent of the Modern Age? Q. 2. Define Renaissance. Q. 3. What was the role of the Church in the life of the people during the Medieval Age, Q. 4. What are the Chief features of the Renaissance? Q. 5. Name some fore runners of the Renaissance. Q. 6. What were crusades? Q. 7. How did the Geographical explorations contribute to the Renaissance movement? Q. 8. Where and when was the first printing press set up? Q. 9. Who was called ‘the father of humanism’? Q. 10. Name the book written by Machiavelli. Q. 11. Who was called the father of English poetry? Name his out standing work. Q. 12. Who wrote ‘Paradise Lost’? Q. 13. Who was called the ‘First Modern Man’? Q. 14. Name the book written by Erasmus. Q. 15. Name the immortal works of Leonardo-de Vinice. Q. 16. Name the master pieces of art of Michael Angelo. Q. 17. Who made the door of Baptistry of Florence? Q. 18. Name the master prices of art that revealed the artistic skill of the sculptors of the Renaissance period. Q. 19. Name the Statues Carved out by Michael Angelo. Q. 20. Name the churches built by the Renaissance architects. Q. 21. Give the examples of Renaissance architecture. Q. 22. Name the leading musician of the Roman School and his book on music. Q. 23. Name the famous musicians of the School of Venice. Q. 24. What was John Kepler’s contribution in the field of astronomy? Q. 25. Give the inventions of Galleo and Sir Isaac Newton. Q. 26. Who discovered Carbon dioxide? Q. 27. Name some inventions of the Renaissance period. contact@sjcallahabad. org How to cite Private Tutions Are a Necessary Evil, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ryan Callaway Essay Example For Students

Ryan Callaway Essay Life of Pi Personal ReflectionLife of Pi Yann Martel (p 18)If you went to a home, kicked down the front door, chased the peoplewho lived there out into the street and said, Go! You are free! Free as abird! Go! Go!-do you think they would shout and dance for joy? Theywouldnt. Birds are not free. The people youve just evicted wouldsputter, With what right do you throw us out? This is our home. We ownit. We have lived here for years. Were calling the police, youscoundrel.Dont we say, Theres no place like home?On a hot summer day, as you stand outside in the breeze, youveprobably seen a bumblebee before. One of those big, clumsy, yellow andblack zebra striped insects. On a good year, they can be mistaken forbirds, in more than one sense. They are so free. They play in the windand rest peacefully on the flower that appeals to them the most, the pinkwild rose or the red honeysuckle; whichever is the color of the day. Everyso often, you will see a bee swirl away in harmony with the liberty of thewind. But, Birds are not free. Nor are bees. They do not just suddenlygrab hold of the veil of wind and ride for as long as they wish; there areinevitably things in their lives that must be done that are necessary forsurvival. They return to their nest with the nectar they have secured fromthe days peaceful activities and in return the nest will grant themsecurity, companionship, and purpose. The world has evolved into such aplace where a bee simply could not survive on its own. In fact, I dontthink there is a single organism out there that could survive in anentirety of freedom, as that would require the absence of necessity,coercion, and constraint in choice or action, and, when considered, thatis impossible. Often, society thinks of freedom as bliss, but in fact,freedom is an unattainable state. We find, as in the case of thebumblebee, that there is a joy to be found in limited freedom with roots orconnections to lay a foundation for life. Canada is a free country, by definition. I have lived here all mylife and am thankful for its apparent freedom. You will often hear elderssay we fought two world wars for our countrys freedom and the youngsterswill say, I can do what I want, its a free country, but the definitionof freedom that allows us to qualify Canada as free is perhaps somewhatlenient. In reality, anybody has the choice to do anything, but we aresteered in directions by all sorts of factors. You could classify thegovernments entire job as to influence its citizens, essentially foreveryones own good, but all the same, constraining their actions andchoices and guiding them in a particular direction. As well, every citizenhabituating Canada has basic requirements for life. There is not a humanalive without needs in their life. Whether it is the bare necessities,food, water, and sleep, needs are inherent and impose upon you, furtherdetracting from the autonomy in your life. I am not trying to say Canadais not a free country, we have a lot of liberties as citizens of this greatnation, but we certainly have restrictions imposed on us. This, however,does not stop us from being happy people. Do you find many people that areunhappy because they cannot commit fraudulent activities, murder, orbecause they have to breathe? No. People need a little bit of societaldirection to maintain order and they have physical, social, andpsychological needs that need to be looked after to live, but they arestill content. This is the same with zoo and wild animals. They are notfree; they have different essentials in their life that are met indifferent ways yet they remain happy in their limited freedom. Each time Istep out the door as a Canadian, I recognize the liberties that I have beengiven and simply the fact that I am allowed to move at my will allows me tofind pleasure in restricted freedom. .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 , .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 .postImageUrl , .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 , .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617:hover , .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617:visited , .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617:active { border:0!important; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617:active , .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617 .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u965a6ed83f36873a65dd6ca7e832e617:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Life Of Benjamin Franklin EssayFreedom is beautiful, but its important for everyone to have rootsand connections to give us a base. Most can call somewhere their home,perhaps the most basic, but also the most important root we have. From ourhomes, we run our lives. Many of our needs are fulfilled there: cleaning,eating, sleeping, and for many, family. Sure, our obligation to our limitsus, but there is more to be gained than is there to be lost. If we turn tothe homeless, we can see what happens when you have no base in your life. The homeless of the world are free within reason in their worlds they dowhat they wish within the boundaries of necessities. But are homelesspeople generally people that you envy? No, because without that hub andfoundation in their life, they are unable to maintain a lot of the basicneeds of life. Homeless people demonstrate the importance of connectionsbecause we see that something acting as the centre of your life gives you aplace to branch from and each subsequent connection gives you anotherresource that you can use from this hub.Amid the network that you havecreated with your connections, freedom allows you to choose your path andthey become a powerful entity. Freedom is something that people from all walks of life strive toattain in abundance, but there is a limit to how far you can go. Roots andconnections, which may seem to tie a person down, also serve as an integralpart of a functional life and lay the foundation for development in life. Together, they allow for success and happiness. FamiliarityOur traditional sense of freedom is no longer validFor example, bees free to go where ever they wish, but they always returnhome to their nest, their home. What waits there for them? Is there anyindication of the unhappiness of a bee? Only when you threaten their home,the centre of their existenceFreedom has become being able to haveDefinition: the absence of necessity, coercion (to restrain or dominate byforce), or constraint in choice or actionWhat makes Canada a free country? Not because we can just do whatever wewantMovie where the bugs get confused because there is a twig in the way oftheir path

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Golda Meir Quotes - Prime Minister of Israel

Golda Meir Quotes - Prime Minister of Israel Golda Meir, born in Kiev, Russia, became the fourth prime minister of Israel. Golda Meir and her husband emigrated from the United States to Palestine, as Zionists. When Israel won independence, Golda Meir was the only woman appointed to the first cabinet. Golda Meir had retired from public life when she was called on to lead the Labor Party. Golda Meir became prime minister when the party prevailed, serving from 1969 to 1974. Selected Golda Meir Quotations At work, you think of the children youve left at home. At home, you think of the work youve left unfinished. Such a struggle is unleashed within yourself, your heart is rent.I can honestly say that I was never affected by the question of the success of an undertaking. If I felt it was the right thing to do, I was for it regardless of the possible outcome.We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon - no alternative. 1969The Egyptians could run to Egypt, the Syrians into Syria. The only place we could run was into the sea, and before we did that we might as well fight. 1969It is true we have won all our wars, but we have paid for them. We dont want victories anymore.It’s no accident many accuse me of conducting public affairs with my heart instead of my head. Well, what if I do? †¦ Those who don’t know how to weep with their whole heart don’t know how to laugh either. ​1973Let me tell you something that we Israelis have ag ainst Moses. He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil! 1973 We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.To be or not to be is not a question of compromise. Either you be or you dont be. 1974A leader who doesnt hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader.I never did anything alone. Whatever was accomplished in this country was accomplished collectively. 1977Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.Dont be so humble, you arent that great.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Income inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Income inequality - Essay Example The rich tend to earn more income than the poor, and so more wealth seems to fall majorly in the hands of a few rich people while the majority earn very little. One’s earnings depend on several factors such as the demand and supply for the person’s skills. As the factors influence wages, they end up affecting the distribution of a country’s income. With income inequality, the rich tend to earn higher income while the poor earn low incomes. That differentiates the poor from the rich. Such inequality has several impacts on the economy and the population. To measure inequality, economists use some measures. Through one such measure, they compare household incomes through surveys. The process involves a comparison of the sources of income and the consumption patterns of the households that participate in the survey. To rank individuals in accordance to per capita income for each household, economists subtract direct taxes from the total income for the household. They then divide the amount by the number of individuals in the household. The calculation and the ranking give the Gini coefficient. The Gini coefficient is a method applicable to the measurement of inequality. The Gini coefficient has a range of 0 to 100 whereby 0 represents a period when everyone has the same income (Milanovic, 2011 p.7). The income inequality in a country would generally range between 25 and 60 in the Gini range. In the assessment of income inequality, household surveys come out as the best instruments. However, they have some drawbacks. At times, the rich may refuse to participate in interviews or at times they may understate their incomes. Another useful measure of income inequality is the Lorenz curve. With this measure, economists seek to determine how cumulative percentage of households links to cumulative percentage of income (Mankiw and Taylor, 2014 p.386). By plotting the cumulative percentage of income against

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Putting The Bully In His Place. Causes, Consequences and Possible Term Paper

Putting The Bully In His Place. Causes, Consequences and Possible Solutions to Bullying - Term Paper Example Bullying involves the infliction of harm on a less powerful person by a more powerful individual or group by way of physical, verbal or psychological means. It is a growing problem in schools that threaten to cause long-term negative effects that victims and bullies may be burdened with all their lives (Hawker & Boulton, 2000). This paper endeavors to study the causes, consequences and possible interventions for bullying behaviors in schools. It is the researcher’s attempt to contribute solutions to this common issue in schools that is shared by many, but not addressed enough, hence the bullying cycle continues. Definition of Bullying Olweus (cited in Nansel, Haynie & Simons-Morton, 2003) defines bullying as aggressive peer-to-peer behavior with three conditions, namely: an intention to harm or disturb the victim; the aggression is done repeatedly and there is an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim. Ayenibiowo & Akinbode (2011) identified three forms of bullying as physical, verbal and psychological aggression. Physical bullying inflicting bodily harm on someone and may involve hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing, taking personal things, etc. Verbal bullying employs the use of mean words and tone of voice to express aggression and may entail taunting, teasing, name calling, threatening, criticizing, humiliating, etc.etc. Finally, psychological bullying is intentionally causing anxiety, stress and fear in a victim to make him or her emotionally unstable and may involve spreading rumors, destroying social relationships, intimidating, making one a target of jokes, etc. Lyznicki et al (2004) claim tha t bullying occurs usually in school. With boys, the bullying is mostly physical and verbal while with girls, relational bullying is usually resorted to and this is more subtle and more difficult to detect. Causes of Bullying Anyone can be a victim especially if he or she is not assertive enough to protect him/herself. However, the bully is the one responsible for inflicting harm, so the problem usually lies with him. There are many causes of bullying behavior. One is frustration at one’s situation. The bully may have learning disabilities that he is having a difficulty coping with while being expected to perform at a required level in school (Kaukiainen, Salmivalli, et al. (2002). Consistently getting poor grades and disappointing his parents may be disheartening and one way he or she expresses such disappointment is through bullying others. The bully may also be abused or neglected at home and needs a victim to express anger and pour out his or her frustrations upon. Another cause may be that the bully is being bullied himself and needs someone to bully around just to maintain the status quo (Esplage, Holt & Henkel, 2003). This way, he or she may feel that power has been regained even though in reality, he or she still feels powerless with the person who bullies him or her. The child may also have a poor or no role model who can guide him to appropriate behavior (Fekkes, Pijpers & Verloove-Vanhorick, 2005). The bullying behavior may also have been learnt from someone who has been a bad influence to him (Turner, 1991). Although in theory, hurting others is known to be an inappropriate but in practice he or she sees people of authority practicing bullying, he or she then imitates it in his or her own life. Finally, the bully may have a conduct disorder which is the precursor to antisocial, psychopathic or personality disorder (Bullying in Schools, n.d.). Ayenibiowo & Akinbode (2011) explain one theory that stimulates

Monday, November 18, 2019

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3

Proposal - Essay Example In web designing all the mistakes made must be identified in good time in order to avoid challenges. Creating a website is not a problem to most of the web designers but making it to be of use is the main challenge. This also includes the power of the website to have a good interface for the customers to love it and increase traffic attendance. Most of the web designers in technology assume that they create a website for themselves by introducing their own interest factors forgetting the needs of the users hence making the website to become dormant. In such sites, there will be no users and traffic will be very low even when new users will be invited to the website. A website designer can make errors when designing the website and assume simple mistakes that will make users to avoid logging online into the website. It is the duty of a web designer to ensure that all constraints and procedures of the website are well followed. Any website designed must be included with a source search engine to be the main reference to the new users joining the website. As a web designer, you must include all the search tools needed in the website and have the right search function. One of the major search engines we have is Google which must be included into the website. Not necessarily, Google search engine, but there also exists other se arch engines like Yahoo and Bing. Most designers prefer to come up with their own search engines to avoid unnecessary advertisements. For a good website there must be an excellent readability and legibility in a way that the interface is well designed and attracts the customers reading the website. All the rules and regulations of the website must be well analyzed and understood by the users in the website. This captures the idea of the website to have a good constructed language that is commonly use by many of the users. Example of a common language is the USA English language that must be used in most of the design sections of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Rabbit Proof Fence Film Analysis

Rabbit Proof Fence Film Analysis Mahealani Subad When watching films that are based on true stories, the storyline is more sentimental to the audience as they realise that an individuals life is being presented to them. The movie, Rabbit-Proof Fence (Noyce et al. 2003), is based upon the lives of three mixed-race Australian Indigenous girls who were taken from their families and placed in a camp called the Moore River Native Settlement in 1931. Knowing that the interpretation from non-Indigenous people may lead towards the misrepresentations of Indigenous culture, Rabbit-Proof Fence captures the realities of the mistreatment Indigenous people throughout history. The film also captures the identity of indigenous people as the filmmakers took careful consideration into producing the film, such as casting Australian Indigenous actors and being mindful of the storyline they are telling throughout the film. In the beginning of the film, the filmmakers presented brief information about an act made in Australia called the Aborigines Act of 1905 (Noyce et al. 2003). The Aborigines Act 1905 allowed for the government to authorize forcible removal of aboriginal or half-caste children for beneficial reasons such as to provide protection and/or care (Aborigines Act 1905). As the film continues, the three young female protagonists Molly, Daisy, and Gracie are seen interacting with their family speaking in their native language, Marduwangka (Quin 2002). However, the government has authorized for the removal of the girls and are to be placed in Moore River Native Settlement. In the scene where the girls are taken away by their mother and grandmother had a very emotional impact, especially on myself. The emotions on the mother and grandmothers face is heart breaking as they plead for the officer not to take them. However, what made it emotional for myself is seeing the mother trying to run after t he girls when they are driven away from their home, mourning the loss of their children as they lay on the ground crying, while the grandmother shows emotion of remorse and blame as she is seen hitting herself on the head with a rock. The impact of witnessing the government forcibly removing Indigenous children being taken away taken away from their family, it creates a new perspective for an audience to view Indigenous culture as it brought attention to viewers of the realities of the treatment Indigenous people struggled through during this time period. Addition to capturing the realities of the mistreatment Indigenous people experienced, the production of the film made an impression that allowed Indigenous identity to be shown. The films storyline was inspired and based on the novel, Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence, written by Doris Pilkington, in which, was based on Pilkingtons mother, Molly Kelly, who had escaped Moore River Native Settlement, along with her sister Daisy and cousin Gracie, who had walked over 40 miles to return home (Quin 2002). As Pilkington published her mothers story and production for the film had began, the screenwriter, Christine Olsen, and director, Phillip Noyce, had done intensive research and work to produce the story of properly. The screen writing process became a collaboration between Olsen and Pilkington, as Olsen traveled to Jigalong with Pilkington who introduced her to Molly and Daisy in attempt to perfect the script in order to tell their story correctly (Quin 2002). As for directing, Olsen wanted Noyce to direct her screenplay as one film in particular that Noyce directed called, Backroads, caught her attention, in which, she stated, [H]e treated the Aboriginal people as people, nothing more, nothing less (Quin 2002). This quote and Olsens research into attempting to perfect the script stood out in my opinion as they took into consideration of how the community of Indigenous people felt when producing this film. Unlike film production such as The Ridiculous Six, in which, insulted Indigenous actors from the misinterpretations of Apache culture (Shilling 20115). Although the film was to be a satirical comedy, the filmmakers ignored the actors concerns for the offensive jokes stating, If you guys are so sensitive, you should leave (Shilling 2015). In producing a film that presents a culture, whether if it is Indigenous culture or not, there must be a collaboration between the filmmakers and a representative of someone from that culture to gain an accurate presentation of the culture. Misrepresentations of cultures can lead into stereotyping the culture as that is what is being portrayed to audiences who have no prior knowledge of the culture being portrayed to them. With the film facing the realities of the mistreatment Indigenous people experienced to collaborating with the Indigenous community to present this film, Rabbit-Proof Fence, I believe was a well represented film that brought up an issue within history that many people did not know of. In comparison to Canadian Indigenous people, the Aborigine Act 1905 resembled a law in Canada that allowed the Canadian government to establish the Indian Residential School System to force Indigenous families to send their children to these schools in order to civilize the children into Canadian society (Elias et al. 2012). Although Rabbit-Proof Fence depicted a successful escape made by Molly and her sister from Moore River Settlement, the realities of removing Indigenous children from their families had a traumatic experience. For those who were residential school survivors, they had formed a legacy of alcohol and drug abuse problems, feelings of hopelessness, dependency, isolation, low self-esteem, suicide behaviours, prostitution, gambling, homelessness, sexual abuse, and violence (Elias et al. 2012). Knowledge of the residential schools in Canada are not taught or exposed as it is apart of history that the Canadian government is trying to diminish. For which, in my opinion, the government should require the school curriculum to teach about indigenous studies and the history about them to have future generation know of the real representations of Indigenous people and their culture, instead of learning from stereotypes through different forms of media. Bibliography Aborigines Act 1905 (1906 1964). Aborigines Act 1905 Legislation Find Connect Western Australia. Accessed January 25, 2017. Elias, Mignone, Hall, Hong, Hart, and Sareen. Trauma and Suicide Behaviour Histories among a Canadian Indigenous Population: An Empirical Exploration of the Potential Role of Canadas Residential School System. Social Science Medicine 74, no. 10 (2012): 1560-569. Noyce, Phillip, Christine Olsen, John Winter, Everlyn Sampi, Tianna Sansbury, Laura Monaghan, Gulpilil, et al. 2003. Rabbit-Proof Fence. [United States]: Miramax Home Entertainment. Pilkington, Doris. Follow the rabbit-proof fence. St. Lucia, Qld.: University of Queensland Press, 1996. Quin, Karl. Mollys Story. The Koori History Project. February 17, 2002. Accessed January 25, 2017. Schilling, Vincent. Native Actors Walk Off Set of Adam Sandler Movie After Insults to Women, Elders. Indian Country Media Network. April 23, 2015. Accessed January 29, 2017.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Questioning the Truth of the News Essay -- Television Newspaper Media

INTRO/PROBLEMS The window to the world can be covered by a newspaper,† this quote by Polish writer Stanislaw Lec sums up the problem with the news media. It is the job of the news media to provide the public with news events happening around the world. Without these news reports, people would be oblivious to what is going on around them. Our lives rest in the media's hands, and they are fully aware of this. The news is a very competitive business, and because of this what gets reported is not necessarily what the story is. Since there are different journalists reporting on the same events, each newspaper and newscast has its own way and style of reporting. They also have different gate keeping processes that make them unique. They may do anything to get the story, no matter whose lives they destroy. Criticizing the news has become increasingly popular recently due to the fact that the media has shifted from a positive to a negative view in the public's eyes. Since every newscast and newspaper is different, the stories that they broadcast to the public may be altered in one way or another. As the quote above illustrates, the news media do not always illustrate the world in the right perspective and can hinder the way people look at it. It seems as though it is the job of the news to report only on negative aspects of the world. Hardly ever does one see anything positive being reported. This throws everybody’s perception off about the world around them. The media influence society’s opinions rather than having people form opinions themselves. Newspapers and newscasts use a process called agenda setting to keep the public thinking about certain issues while avoiding other issues that might be more important. Agenda setting i... ..., D. (2003). So was saving private jessica a sham? Daily Mail (London), 18, 19. 8) N.A. (2004). Pentagon papers. Encarta Encyclopedia. Retrieved on April 14, 2004, from 9) N.A. (2004). Watergate scandal. Encarta Encyclopedia. Retrieved on April 14, 2004, from 10) N.A. (2001). The Pentagon papers. National Press Club. Retrieved on April 14, 2004, from 11) Perse, E. (2001). Media effects and society. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 12) Priest, D. (2003). Is jessica a war hero? The Vancouver Province, C1. 13) Todorovich, L (1997). Deep throat suspects. The Washington Post. Retrieved on April 14, 2004, from

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Compare and Contrast two major theories of Social Inequality – Can Inequality be eliminated?

A major theory of inequality is the one propounded by Karl Marx who argues that social inequality is not natural but stems from the construction of the unfair capitalist system. Marx sees the workers or the proletariat as being exploited for their labour by those that own the means of production Marxists see social inequality as manifested in the fact that workers do not benefit from the wealth that their labour produces instead Marx claims that they are 1'pauperized'. The poorer working classes get poorer whilst the rich enjoy getting richer this is illustrated by income inequalities all over the world; the poorest 20% of people in the USA have seen their incomes fall by 19% whilst the top 5% saw their incomes rise, in Australia the richest ten per cent of the population owns about half the nation's wealth in the USA its over two thirds. A limitation of Marx theories on inequality is that it only focuses on economic inequality. Many sociologists would agree with Marx that economic inequality is the most significant form of inequality at the moment whilst acknowledging that economic inequality and social inequality, as we live in a modern multi- cultural capitalist country are inextricably linked and are affected significantly by gender, racial, religious and ethnic inequality. Ethnic background is both an indicator and factor of social inequality. In Australia for example, Aborigines are over represented in the working class as well as underclass and under-represented in the top stratification of earnings and class. Social inequality thus seems to be a consequence of ascribed status: of the status that our skin colour our gender and/or our social class confers on us. Arguably there is scope for social mobility in our current system as our ascribed statuses can be overshadowed by our achieved status especially as we are not generally ascribed to a lower cast iron status at birth that prevents social mobility (unlike the untouchables in the caste system in other cultures) Theoretically we can ascend the social ladder, however low we start, as there is equality of opportunity. This is the view propounded by functionalists such as Davis and Moore. Our achievements in our meritocratic system determine the social position that we hold. Davis and Moore acknowledge that there are perhaps socially unequal jobs yet they are all important for society to function. Thus to maintain society each role needs to be filled so ‘effective role allocation' is an essential functional perquisite. However as some jobs require more skills and training than others there is a need for differing social and financial incentives to entice people to undergo extensive training and take up such jobs. Davis and Moore assert that role allocation and thus people's socio-economic status is fair as it is based on merit, those in the top roles earning the most are those that are best equipped for their role. Whilst Marx sees the current system as exploitative Davis and Moore see it and the inequality that accompanies it as legitimate and functionally advantageous to society. Such a theory though, does not take into account gender and racial inequalities or concepts such as culture capital old boys club and the glass ceiling The culture capital theory suggested by sociologist Pierre Bordieu explains that the education system prises and is geared toward the culture of the middle and upper classes thus those from a working class background find that the skills and knowledge derived within their culture is ‘devalued' and they therefore do not have equal opportunities to excel academically which of course restricts their employment choices and socio-economic position in the future. We can see therefore that inequality is institutionalised, as Marx alludes to in the labour market, and that education is perhaps the first agent of stratification. M. Tumin has also criticised Davis and Moore by condemning their notion of functional importance as questionable and too vague. It ignores the differential of power. According to Tumin differences in pay and prestige will be affected by, and often reflect differences in the relative power of groups and individuals in the labour market rather than the job's actual functional importance. Therefore differences in pay can actually be more a reflection of the relative strength of the workers' union and bargaining potential rather than of functional importance e.g. coal miners and farm labourers. Davis and Moore suggest that inequality is universal as it can be identified in all societies. Such views would suggest that inequality is not eliminable. Marxists ideas contradict this view. Marx claimed that inequality could be eliminated with the development of class consciousness and the abandonment of capitalism however the Soviet communism model proved that in the modern world this was untenable. Equality came at a high price- by the collapse of communism in 1989 equality had come to mean people simply had equally low living standards. Economic and social equality came at the expense then, of basic human rights, the sociologist Peter Saunders stated socialist societies are2 ‘always more repressive than the capitalist ones since they must get people to fulfil their role without the incentive of economic rewards.' However it is clear that the Soviet system was successful in reducing and even eliminating inequality in many spheres of life. Even if it didn't respect human rights in all cases, it guaranteed basic needs such as housing employment education medical care and even holidays. 3The satellite states had embraced capitalism after communism expecting to reap the economic benefits of a capitalist system in fact, living standards actually fell. Russia, after communism rapidly transformed from an almost standardized society to one that was plagued by socio-economic polarisations, according to Goskomstat, the income ratio between the wealthiest 10% of the population and the bottom 10% was about 4:1 in 1990 by 1996 it had sky rocketed to 13:1. Women's rights have also regressed significantly in Russia currently approximately 80% of the unemployed in Russia are women. Such evidence seems to support a Marxist framework of inequality as not inevitable but sustained by a capitalist system. Marxists claim that a capitalist society is maintained through divide and rule. Thus when a class ‘stopped being a class in itself and started being a class for itself' then the group could recognise their inferior social position, class solidarity would develop as the class recognised their shared interests and goals and they would then act together to displace the bourgeoisie. However because inequality is so multilayered class divisions are easy to maintain as differences in gender and race also generate inequality thus even if class differences were eliminated these would persist and perhaps increase. Blackness has historically been classed as inferior, perceived inferiority has been harmful since those who see themselves as superior usually hold the legal power and status in the society and can therefore cement in law the inferiority of the blacks or other ethnic groups. Loury calls for4 ‘major structural remedies to speed up progress toward racial equality' which will in turn reduce the economic inequality that ethnic minority groups face. The New right perspective argues that social inequality has persisted throughout the ages; Saunders states that ‘there has never been a completely egalitarian society'. Every society has its male and females, rich and poor it's big and small and it's old and young. In this absolute sense there is some truth to the assertion that some degree of inequality is inevitable. However inequality itself is unequal it varies with time and culture which validates the theory that inequality is socially constructed and thus can be eliminated. In Britain granted we have moved from the stark extremes of inequality of slavery in imperial Britain but only to an ‘acceptable' economic and social inequality that is institutionalized within our capitalist system, unequal access is built into the structures that support and maintain our contemporary society. It can be argued that the current degree of inequality is not advantageous to society and a reflection of unequal talents in society as Davis and Moore claim nor is it an inevitable product of the capitalist system as Marxists argue; it is a matter of choice. Through the lax way we regulate corporations compared with the harsh regulations placed on workers unions, how we distribute the tax burden and how we set wages. We limit the power of workers thus limiting their socio-economic position.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Ottoman Bureaucracy

The Ottomans inherited a rich mixture of political traditions from vastly disparate ethnic groups: Turks Persians, Mongols, Mesopotamian and, of course, Islam.The Ottoman state, like the Turkish, Mongol, and Mesopotamian states rested on a principle of absolute authority in the monarch. The nature of Ottoman autocracy, however, is greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted in the West, particularly in world history textbooks. The central function of the ruler or Sultan in Ottoman political theory was to guarantee justice (adalet) in the land. All authority hinges on the ruler's personal commitment to justice. This idea has both Turco - Persian and Islamic aspects. In political theory, the model of the just ruler was Solomon in the Hebrew histories (SÃ ¼leyman is named after Solomon). The justice represented by the Solomonic ruler is a distributive justice; this is a justice of fairness and equity that comes closer to the Western notion of justice. In addition, however, adalet (justice) has Turco - Persian coordinates; in this tradition, adalet, or justice, is the protection of the helpless from the rapacity of corrupt and predatory government. In this sense, justice involves protecting the lowest members of society, the peasantry, from unfair taxation, corrupt magistracy, and inequitable courts. This, in Ottoman political theory, was the primary task of the Sultan He personally protected his people fr om the excesses of government, such as predatory taxation and the corruption of local officials. For the Ottomans the ruler could only guarantee this justice if he had absolute power. For if he was not an absolute ruler, that meant that he would be dependent on others and so subject to corruption. Absolute authority, then, was at the service of building a just government and laws rather than elevating the ruler above the law as Europeans have interpreted the Sultanate. In order to ensure adalet , the Ottomans set up a number of practi... Free Essays on Ottoman Bureaucracy Free Essays on Ottoman Bureaucracy The Ottomans inherited a rich mixture of political traditions from vastly disparate ethnic groups: Turks Persians, Mongols, Mesopotamian and, of course, Islam.The Ottoman state, like the Turkish, Mongol, and Mesopotamian states rested on a principle of absolute authority in the monarch. The nature of Ottoman autocracy, however, is greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted in the West, particularly in world history textbooks. The central function of the ruler or Sultan in Ottoman political theory was to guarantee justice (adalet) in the land. All authority hinges on the ruler's personal commitment to justice. This idea has both Turco - Persian and Islamic aspects. In political theory, the model of the just ruler was Solomon in the Hebrew histories (SÃ ¼leyman is named after Solomon). The justice represented by the Solomonic ruler is a distributive justice; this is a justice of fairness and equity that comes closer to the Western notion of justice. In addition, however, adalet (justice) has Turco - Persian coordinates; in this tradition, adalet, or justice, is the protection of the helpless from the rapacity of corrupt and predatory government. In this sense, justice involves protecting the lowest members of society, the peasantry, from unfair taxation, corrupt magistracy, and inequitable courts. This, in Ottoman political theory, was the primary task of the Sultan He personally protected his people fr om the excesses of government, such as predatory taxation and the corruption of local officials. For the Ottomans the ruler could only guarantee this justice if he had absolute power. For if he was not an absolute ruler, that meant that he would be dependent on others and so subject to corruption. Absolute authority, then, was at the service of building a just government and laws rather than elevating the ruler above the law as Europeans have interpreted the Sultanate. In order to ensure adalet , the Ottomans set up a number of practi...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

5 More Examples of Misplaced Modifiers

5 More Examples of Misplaced Modifiers 5 More Examples of Misplaced Modifiers 5 More Examples of Misplaced Modifiers By Mark Nichol Make sure that when you shoehorn additional information into a sentence, it is being wedged in at a location where its relationship to a word or phrase is clear. Each of the following sentences suffers from ambiguity because of sloppy syntax; the discussions and revisions clear the confusion. 1. Many students let friends and family know they were safe in social media posts. The sentence implies that students found safety within social media posts, but the fact that such posts were the medium by which students communicated their safe status to friends and family is best relocated to immediately after the subject: â€Å"Many students used social media to let friends and family know they were safe.† (This revision also places the key word, safe, where it is most effectively located- at the end of the sentence.) 2. Millennials consist of people born from 1980 to 2000; to put it more simply for them, since they grew up not having to do a lot of math in their heads, thanks to computers, their demographic group consists mostly of teens and twentysomethings. The location of â€Å"thanks to computers† creates initial ambiguity: Does it modify the preceding phrase, or the one that follows? Computers bear the blame for millennials’ lack of facility with cranial computation, or the age range of their demographic group is credited to computers? The former choice is the correct one, obviously, but it’s not clear until after the first or even second reading. To clarify the sentence’s intent, that parenthetical phrase should appear earlier in the sentence: â€Å"To put it more simply for millennials, since, thanks to computers, they grew up not having to do a lot of math in their heads, their demographic group consists mostly of teens and twentysomethings.† Better yet, to reduce comma clutter, write, â€Å"Millennials consist of people born from 1980 to 2000; to put it more simply for them- since, thanks to computers, they grew up not having to do a lot of math in their heads- their demographic group consists mostly of teens and twentysomethings.† 3. The Financial Conduct Authority is a financial regulatory body that operates independently of the UK government, whose responsibilities include maintaining financial market integrity. The simplest solution for this sentence- which unintentionally states that the UK government, rather than the Financial Conduct Authority, bears the specified responsibility- is to merely replace the comma with and to create a compound modifying phrase. But a more elegant solution is to place the trailing modifying phrase as a mid-sentence parenthetical comment: â€Å"The Financial Conduct Authority, whose responsibilities include maintaining financial market integrity, is a financial regulatory body that operates independently of the UK government.† 4. In fact, if employers do not reinforce learning, the forgetting curve shows that about 80 percent of important workplace information can be forgotten in the first month. According to this sentence, the failure of employers to reinforce learning causes the forgetting curve to demonstrate the percentage of key workplace information forgotten within a month. But the forgetting curve needs no such prompting. â€Å"The forgetting curve† is the subject, and it should be nearer the head of the sentence (after a brief modifying tag): â€Å"In fact, the forgetting curve shows that if employers do not reinforce learning, about 80 percent of important workplace information can be forgotten in the first month.† 5. If a third party is to be given consumers’ personal information, such as an auditing organization, data should be anonymized. An auditing organization is identified in this sentence as an example of consumers’ personal information. But an auditing organization is an example of a third party, so that parenthetical phrase should immediately follow â€Å"third party†: â€Å"If a third party, such as an auditing organization, is to be given healthcare consumers’ consumers’ personal information, data should be anonymized.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)On Behalf Of vs. In Behalf OfQuiet or Quite?

Monday, November 4, 2019

Culture dependent vs culture independent methods Lab Report

Culture dependent vs culture independent methods - Lab Report Example 104). Some of the techniques that can be applied include, but not limited to performing rDNA PCR amplification on clinical specimens regarded sterile, such as blood. It is however advisable that this technique should not be employed with specimens originating from nonsterile sites such as faeces (Litton, 2010 p. 56). Collection of specimens such as conventional assays needs aseptic precautions. Litton (2010, p.57) claims that in order to curb contamination DNA brought by specimen collection vials, ensuring that the environment where work goes on is well organised also helps with this. Contamination linked to personnel working in the laboratory can be avoided by wearing cloves made of gloves or latex plus white coats. As for those contaminations resulting from consumable reagents and plastic wares, prior screening of each and every reagent before use in diagnostic assays (Litton, 2010 p. 56). 3. Find at least one peer-reviewed scientific research article regarding the bacteria that normally reside in the human mouth and provide references. Describe the groups of bacteria these studies identified to be present in the human mouth. Some of the bacteria that reside in the mouth include but not limited to, staphylococcus with the most common ones being S.epidermidis and S.aureus. They are oval in shape and posses a thick cell wall, named gram-positive. They cause infections in human population when presented with optimal conditions (â€Å"New bacterial species found in human  mouth† 2008, p.26). Bacteria from the genus streptococcus forms the largest number of all the organisms found in the mouth. Some of the species here include, but not restricted to, S. mutans, S. mitis, S. salivarius, S. pneumoniae and S. Pyogenes. They are also oval in shape like the staphylococcus. S.mutans is also responsible for cavity formation in teeth by converting sucrose sugar into lactic acid which

Friday, November 1, 2019

Law of Contract LA-112 (Joint Honours) coursework 2009 Essay

Law of Contract LA-112 (Joint Honours) coursework 2009 - Essay Example course of business or trade, there is an implicit condition that goods so supplied under the contract of sale are of acceptable quality and should rationally fit for their purpose. Thus , under SGA , a seller should sell products that well fit into its description , should conform to its purpose and should have acceptable quality and if the product fall short of these , then , supplier has the duty to redress the grievances raised by the buyer . Certain contract inserts clauses giving the right to buyer to terminate the contract under certain circumstances. For instance, when the market price for product decreases after the entering of a contract, a buyer in normal course is keen to take the privilege of termination rights as a result of delivery of non-conforming products or late delivery. However, a seller has the duty to make sure that the products sold â€Å"adhere to the contract.† For instance, if a car is sold, then the seller should clearly express the model of the car to be sold, the details about its engine size, its previous owner’s history. In case, if the seller has described the product imprecisely, then the buyer can make a claim against the seller for breach of contract and thus seller might be involved a breach under the Trade Descriptions Act 1968. (The UK insolvency helpline 2008). In Fletcher v Sledmore, a car dealer and his customer visited the defendant who was a dealer in second hand cars. The customer inquired the defendant about a specific car and defendant informed him that it was â€Å"a good little engine.† However, this was not true. Then, car was sold to the customer. It was held by the court that the defendant committed an offence under false trade description Act. Thus, this decision clearly demonstrates that Act can travel beyond the restrictions of contractual relationships. (Weatherill 2005: 402) If any seller has sold the product that does not adhere to the description in the sales contract, or if it is not suitable for

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Microeconomics article review Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Microeconomics article review - Term Paper Example It is important to understand that in the general economy there is a job destruction rate and a job creation rate. Unemployment occurs when these two factors are out of balance. A recession does not impact the job destruction rate, but it does affect the job creation rate by lowering it. During the recession as the job creation rate falls the period of unemployment lengthens. â€Å"The percentage of the labor force unemployed for 27 weeks or more is finally decreasing, after peaking at about 4.3 percent in April 2010 and hanging around 4 percent until September 2011† (Worstall, 2013). It is unknown how much of that decline is associated with people finding jobs or leaving the job marketplace. Typically when people leave the job marketplace it becomes hard for them to come back. People that leave the workplace do not enjoy the pleasures associated with having income. Adults that leave the workforce negatively impact the economy because it loses the goods and services they could be producing. The stimulus package through programs such as the TANF Emergency Fund helped job creation in the United States. Some of the ill effects of long term unemployment include erosion of skills and dissociation from the job market. An economic concept called hysteris could have occurred in the United States. ... In Europe another 4% continues to be out of the workforce for over a year, while almost none in the U.S. One of the reasons for the discrepancy in long term unemployment behavior is that unemployment benefits in the U.S run out after six months, while in Europe they continue for years or indefinitely. The increase in unemployment insurance was an effective incentive to keep money flowing in the economy, but its effect on reducing the unemployment rate is questionable. â€Å"There was undoubtedly some increase in long-term unemployment as a result of the UI extension: people do respond to incentives after all† (Worstall, 2013). Stimulating the economy by running a fiscal deficit does not positively impact the nation’s unemployment rate. The article provided great insight into the unemployment problem in the United States of America. Unemployment was a topic discussed in class during the semester. It is a very important economic topic because it affects the lives of every one in a society. People need to work to earn income to spend in consumer goods and services. When a person loses his job he becomes unemployed. The chances of this person finding a job quickly increases when the nation’s unemployment rate is low. I learned from the article that short term unemployment is referred too as frictional unemployment. A second economic concept learned in class that was discussed in the article was recession. A recession can be defined as a decline in gross domestic product (GDP) for two or more consecutive quarters (Investorwords, 2013). During a recession people lower spending often in fear that they might lose their jobs. The author of the article indicated that people that are unemployed during a recession often have a hard time

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Color of Water Essay Example for Free

The Color of Water Essay The Color of Water by James McBride was a story about a young boy trying to figure out his racial identity but his mother would not talk about her past or what race she was. All James knew was that she was white living in a black power neighborhood and that fact terrified him. He thought that to grow up he had to know his racial identity but through all the trouble and hard times he went through he learned that his race did not matter. It was his education that was the most important. Ruth attitude about her race effected James through his childhood and as a young adult, she negatively affected his racial development, and Ruth eventually clears up his questions that he has been dying to get answers from. Ruth McBride’s attitude toward her own race affected her son, James McBride, as both a child and as a young adult. Ruth mainly looked down on her race because of her father. All he care about was money and the store, he did not care about his own wife or family. He also molested Ruth when she was a young girl. When James was a young boy he always questioned her about race. He wanted to know if he was black or white and he also asked what color Jesus was. James mother would not completely answer his question. She responded saying that James was a human and education was all that mattered, and that Jesus was the color of water. As a kid, James knew that his mother was white, and that terrified him. He knew that a white lady living in a black neighborhood, also with black kids, was living in danger. James really realized his mother’s danger when Ruth and James were walking home and a man came up and stole Ruth’s purse. James figured out how strong and brave or crazy his mother was when she did not fight the theft back and all she told James was that it was just a purse and it did not matter. When James grew up, he thought that Ruth was going crazy, and he didn’t respect her like he did in the past. If James would have known about his mother’s past, it wouldn’t have change much. He might have been more apologetic for her but that would be about it. Ruth’s impact on James’s racial development is negative, but she had good intentions. James never knows what his racial background is and that bothers him throughout his life. If he would have known what his mother’s background was maybe then he would understand himself in his eyes, but it does not take your race to figure out yourself, it takes learning who you are on the inside. Ruth was trying to make it a positive impact on his racial development. Ruth knew that race did not matter, it was about what was on the inside of the person, but James did not understand that concept. Race never concerned him by saying he was not going to associate himself with a person because of their background but he want to know about their race, and Ruth had no cares about their race, which is a better way to go at it. Ruth offers James confusion as he grapples with his racial identity as a younger boy, but she offers him clarity as a young adult. When James was young, Ruth would answer any of her questions and that bothered him but he knew not to push her to her limit or he would get the belt. He does not know what half of his race is, he know he was black from his father but knew nothing about his mother’s race. Ruth was not ashamed to be a Jew, but she did not support Judaism because of her father, Tateh. She was not hiding the fact that she was a Jew from James but she did not want to think about everything that she ran away from when she left Suffolk, Virginia and her family, more importantly her mother, Hudis Shilksy. When James turns into the young adult he finds out that knowing your race does not help you in life like a good education does. Even though he has learned this Ruth starts to explain his questions about race to him. In the story The Color of Water, James has unanswered questions as a child. At the end of the book James learns about Ruth’s race and he finds out his racial identity. James also finds out God’s color, He is the color of water and water is neither, black or white. Ruth had harmful memories when she was a Jew because of her father and when he might her first husband, Dennis, she changed her faith and found happiness. Ruth’s race affected Ruth which later on affected her son James negatively. Her angry about her past led to James’s confusion about his own racial identity, but later on got all his questions answered.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Thankful Wedding Speech by the Bride :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

A Thankful Wedding Speech by the Bride Anyone who knows me well enough will know that it is hard to keep me quiet and today is no exception - I thought it only appropriate that the bride speaks, although I promise to keep it short! The main reason I wanted to make a speech was to personally say thank you to some very special people who have contributed to today: (To the groom) Firstly, and most importantly, you've made me so happy since we met two years ago and today is the happiest day of my life. Thank you for making my life complete. Knowing your track record at either missing weddings or forgetting (or losing) your suit, I should also thank you for turning up at the wedding (eventually!) where we me, and, more importantly, thank you for getting to the church on time today and in your suit. I would also like to say a big thank you to my bridesmaids. Firstly, my sister, for looking after me today and also on my hen weekend! Thanks very much for arranging our weekend in London, I’m sure everyone will agree we had an excellent time and I have a little something for you as a small token of my appreciation. And of course my other gorgeous bridesmaids who've been little angels today. I have a little something here for you both too. Thank you very much. (Presents gifts) I would like to thank my mom for all her help and support not just today but over the years and for giving me my â€Å"something old† which I'm wearing for luck today. I have a small gift from us for you. I couldn't have been luckier to have such wonderful in-laws, thank you for making me feel so welcome in your family and for all your support with the wedding arrangements. A special thank you to my mother-in-law for sorting out the bridesmaids outfits and for making all of the invitations and order of service cards which were beautiful. And to my father-in-law, thank you for your lovely reading in church today.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Low Self-esteem Effects Anorexia Essay -- essays research papers

How Low Self-Esteem affects Anorexia Outline I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anorexia has no certain causes, but it has been determined that psychological, enviromental, and physiological factors play a role. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Self-esteem is both a psychological and physiological factor of low self-esteem. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Girls and young women are most commonly associated with low self-esteem and anorexia. II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “Self-Esteem is how you think and feel about yourself.';(McWilliams and Roger, 361) People can reach low self-esteem levels in a variety of ways. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People with low self-esteem don’t think they’re worth taking care of. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Young people’s self-esteem can be effected by parents and peers. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With low self-esteem, a young girl wants to have the confidence that it seems everyone else has. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They may develop anorexia because they are dissatisfied with themselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An anorexia will take drastic measures to change   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  her body image in an attempt to fit in. An Conclusion:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has not yet been pin-pointed what the exact cause of anorexia is. Many factors play a role, including self-esteem. Children need to be showed love and caring in order to gain the appropriate levels of self-esteem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anorexia is a big issue in society today. Girls and boys are developing anorexic symptoms as young as age five. While anorexia can be detected in boys, girls, men, and/or women of all ages, “the most common ages of onset [remains] between thirteen and twenty-two.';(Levenkron,1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. People who develop anorexia are usually “afraid of becoming obese and [have] such a distorted image of [their] body, that [they] steadfastly [refuse] to eat even when...hungry.';(Mathews, 29) The “[eating] disorder [becomes] a disease...when problems of the mind create problems for the body.'; (Levenkron,5)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Scientists have been studying and researching the causes of anorexia sin... ...tory Approach, written by Gail E. Myers and Michele Tolela Myers, it is said that positive self-esteem is often developed in adolescents who have attitude of acceptance by parents, clearly defined and enforced limits and respect and latitude for individual action with the defined limits. (65) If children can maintain a healthy self-esteem level, they may not feel the need to turn to anorexia for comfort. While things like genes can be a cause of anorexia, it can be helpful for a parent to show that a child is accepted, which can raise self-esteem levels.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Johnson, Carol A. Self-Esteem Comes in All Sizes: How to be Happy and Healthy at your Natural Weight. New York: Bantam, 1995 Levenkron, Steven. Treating and Overcoming Anorexia Nervosa. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1982. Mathews, John R. Eating Disorders. New York: Facts on File Inc., 1991. McWilliams, Peter and Roger, John. Life 101: Everything we Wish we had Learned about in School--but didn’t. California: Prelude Press, 1990. Myers, Gail E. and Myers, Michele The T. Dynamics of Human Communication: A Laboratory Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1973.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Porter 5 forces for JetBlue Airway Essay

Potential Competitors: Low – Rivalry among existing firms is intense, which affect the profits to be low. It ¡Ã‚ ¦s unattractive to the potential competitors. – High initial investments and fixed costs such as lease a fleet of safe and reliable aircraft, negotiate reasonable gate access and landing fees as well as high labor and fuel costs. – There are the price competitions in the airline industry, which some major airlines offer the low-price fares that is very difficult for new entrants to gain enough profit to cover the investment and fix cost in this industry. Rivalry among Existing Firms: High – Currently, there are many major airlines such as Delta, United and American that exist in the same market as Jet Blue. Those airline companies have used similar strategies as JetBlue. United and American Airline flies to the same cities as Jet Blue and appeal to the business travelers who have the least sensitivity on price. – Airline industry is extremely sensitive to economic cycles. Mature industry life cycle. The Bargaining Power of Buyers: Medium to High – Internet gives the power to the customers to search for the low fares. – Leisure travelers who are not sensitive with the price and most of them are loyalty to the particular industry that offer the best service and offer the best flying experience. – There are many airlines in the market that offers the same flying experience in the low-price. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: High – Boeing and Airbus are the only two suppliers of new aircraft for commercial passenger airlines. This allows them to have power of suppliers in the airline industry. – Airline workers are unionized, which let them have power of labor supply. – OPEC countries have the significant impact for airline industry. The reason is that the fuel is another substantial input cost for airlines, ranging from about 8% to 10% of revenues. Currently, the fuel for the aircraft are rising then the affect from oil price increasing push some airline companies to loss revenue in year 2005 such as Delta and Jet Blue. Substitute Products: Medium – For short flight, the substitute could be the automobile. – Faxes, teleconferencing and videoconferencing can substitute traveling by plane for business travelers. – Switching cost for customers from airplane to automobile and other technologies save the money for a lot of travelers. Relative Power of Other Stakeholders – Internal Revenue Service has just published the mileage deduction rate for 2006. It is 44.5 cents a mile. That’s down from 48.5 cents a mile for the last four months of 2005, which reflected a special adjustment for rising gasoline prices; – Long Beach communities files charges against airlines for noise violations. – Customers file against Jet Blue for showing the passengers data to the third party.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Treatment of People in Chronicle Essay Example

Treatment of People in Chronicle Essay Example Treatment of People in Chronicle Paper Treatment of People in Chronicle Paper Essay Topic: Chronicle Of a Death foretold The novel Chronicle of a death foretold by Gabrià ©l Garcà ­a Marquà ©z revolves around the death of Santiago Nasar, who is purported to have taken the virginity of his murderers’ sister. The way this man is treated by his killers as well as the members of the town points toward a more general phenomenon of culture that dictates how various types of people are treated in different situations. According to the events of this novel, within the Colombian context, women are treated in specific ways, as are men. The way relatives treat each other is also noteworthy, as it regards the solidarity of familial bonds and the upholding of honor within a particular family circle. The situations, issues, and coincidences of this story can be found to rely upon the policies regarding the treatment of others that tacitly yet inexorably exist within the culture of this Colombian town. Santiago’s murder is allowed to occur because of a specific form of treatment that is accorded to him by all those who reside in the town. Santiago’s death could have been prevented, but because of the sentiments that existed toward him, he is allowed to face his attackers in ignorance and unprepared. The people in the town demonstrate a high level of complexity in their treatment of Santiago. On the one hand, several of them considered him astute and powerful enough to take care of himself. Garcà ­a Marquà ©z writes, â€Å"No one even wondered whether Santiago Nasar had been warned, because it seemed impossible to all that he hadnt† (1984, p. 22). As a rich man, it is also possible that they treated him with respect and considered him well informed and invulnerable to attack. Both Divina Flor and Victoria Guzman, for instance, are knowledgeable concerning the impending murder and also have the opportunity to warn Santiago of his plight. However, these two wome n eventually do nothing, out of a belief that Santiago has everything under control. On the other hand, the people of the town are also highly steeped in a culture that demands honor of all who reside in their society. The possibility that Santiago could have been guilty of taking the virginity of an upstanding female citizen places him in the position of tyrant. Murder as a form of retribution to such a man who would ruin the chances of a woman to marry well and to elevate her head in society may have been considered by all who knew as precisely what he deserved. This analysis appears to be more conducive to the facts. The author even places these words in the mouth of one character: â€Å"there were few of us who didnt know that the Vicario twins were waiting for Santiago Nasar to kill him† (Garcà ­a Marquà ©z, 1984, p. 67). This highlights the fact that everyone in the town knew exactly what would happen to Santiago, yet not one of them makes it known to him. Furthermore, the attempts made by some of them to alert Santiago appear to be half-hearted at bes t. Even Colonel Lazaro Aponte who takes the knives from the young men also act in a fashion intended to deter only the most indecisive and spineless murderers. In reality, the citizens of the town treat Santiago as a convicted rapist sentenced to death, and this is proven in that they all come out to witness the murder as though they gather for an execution. In the end, Santiago is treated like an outcast against whom all of society has a personal grievance. The events of the novel are deemed plausible because of the culture that prevailed within the society Garcà ­a Marquà ©z portrays. The events of the novel turn out the way they do because of a combination of ways in which women are regarded and treated. The twins Pedro and Pablo Vicario are incensed by the fact that someone has taken the virginity of their sister because of the importance placed upon the purity of women in that society. If a woman is somehow shown to be impure, her respectability, along with that of her whole family, vanishes. The women themselves are treated with disgrace- as is Angela when she is beaten and forced to leave the town. Indeed, she is a woman, and in such a culture â€Å"they’ve been raised to suffer† (Garcà ­a Marquà ©z, 1984, p. 34). Without this respectability, she is treated like an outcast and is left without any chance of being honored with the request of marriage. She therefore loses her ability to move upward in life and becom es an old maid who, being unable to provide for herself, becomes a burden to her family. This is the prospect that Angela Vicario faces, and the extent of the disgrace to which she as a woman is to be subjected is mirrored by the drastic nature of the act performed by her brothers in an attempt to defend her honor. The men of the story are treated in a manner that places major responsibilities upon their heads. The responsibility for defending the honor of the family rests squarely upon the shoulders of the men within a given household. Marquà ©z writes of the Vicario family: â€Å"The brothers were brought up to be men. The girls were brought up to be married† (Garcà ­a Marquà ©z, 1984, p. 34). Such men who conform to what society expects of them are treated with honor. This can be seen in the way that the twins are treated before and after their murder of Santiago. These men, who know the worth of honor in their town, determine to kill Santiago. Yet, despite the fact that a murder is about to be committed, the townspeople (who believe so strongly in the need for men to defend their family’s honor) do hardly anything to prevent the fateful event from taking place. Even Prudencia Cotes vows never to marry her fiancà © Pablo Vicario if he fails to go through with the plan that would regain his family’s honor. The community’s good treatment of men who defend family honor is also demonstrated by the feeble penalties granted the two youths for Santiago Nasar’s gruesome murder. They are given only three years in the local prison- a sentence that acknowledges the evil of murder, but which also lauds the defense of the honor that was the motive for the murder. The treatment of people within Gabrià ©l Garcà ­a Marquà ©z’s novel Chronicle of a death foretold shows the town to be occupied by citizens overcome by an old-fashioned tradition of valor, dignity and honor. The fact that Santiago may have been responsible for taking a woman’s virginity causes him to be effectively ostracized from society, so that the news known by all of his impending murder is kept from him- to his detriment. The good faith and support of the community for the Vicario twins also demonstrates that society’s treatment of men, of whom honor is expected, and to whom respect is accorded when they demonstrate themselves willing and able to defend family honor. The treatment of women in this society also demonstrates itself in the strict lifestyles to which they are forced to adhere and the extreme measures that must be taken whenever their actions (or those of another) cause them to stray. References Garcà ­a Marquà ©z, G. (1984). Chronicle of a death foretold. New York: Ballantine Books.

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Waste Land essay

buy custom Waste Land essay Introduction The Waste Land is an American poem by the author T.S. Elliot which is described as one of the most beautiful and revered arts of literature of the 20th century. It was published in the early 1920s and despite its recondite and obscure status; the poem still drives the message home. This is attributed to great literal skills possessed by the poet, he is fond of using allusions which move way ahead to make the poem obscure, however he states eloquently that the only way to find your way through poetry is through exploring. Waste Land The popular poem begins with a section called The Burial of the Dead all through the poem the athor artistically paints out a picture of a troubled human being in a modernized desolate world. The poet describes the seasons of the year, this take him back in his memory to a time in Germany when she was romancing with a hyacinth girl, this leaves him surrounded by a desolate world stony and full of rubbish. This is logically the waste land. According to my understanding of this obscure literal text, some of the other physical settings used by this poet include; his act of remembering a mere fortune teller, who had earlier predicted that he, was the drowned Phoenician sailor. We can see this affects the message of the text as it enable the poet to explains to us why he was to fear death by water and also how he found himself on a London bridge. Another possible physical setting is where the poet moves abruptly to a gilded room, here she finds a lady with a lot of jewel, very first it then moves down to find two women gossiping. This affects and influences the message carried by this poem as in a very short time spun, the poet tries and succeeds in showing the difference between the low and high caliber in the society. The jewel-bedecked lady represents the high and mighty while the two gossiping women are a replica of the poor. Conclusion The poem though very deep and full of allusions, is a masterpiece of its own kind. It successfully drives the point home however it might be very boring for one who doesnt posses the exploring spirit. Buy custom Waste Land essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Gender Differences

When each of us was in our mother’s womb and shortly after we were conceived we did not have anything or anyone influencing the way we acted. After birth within a couple of months, although we do not remember but we can observe, our fathers and mothers were bearing an influence on our lives. While we were growing up and still to this day our surroundings influenced the way we think and behaved in our daily lives. We know people who are different in many ways and people who are similar to us in many ways. These differences and similarities take on different characteristics some are more subtle and some are very out right noticeable. However, for each individual the differences and similarities from one person to the next are going to vary in different ways. People all have relationships and these relations are how we identify with our friends and other people. One of the most noticeable characteristics between all people is the fact that some are male and some are female. On th e other hand the masculine and feminine traits in people are not nearly as noticeable even though all people show characteristics of both. The differences in males and females to most people are obvious; their biology is different causing them to have different sexual traits. They have different organs and different chemicals that make a man a male and a woman a female. However, biology is not selective within one generation and does not choose the characteristics males and females portray throughout their lives. I say one generation because an example of color blindness is brought up on page 16, but this is a random selection of one generation to the next generation in males. Also, some characteristics are learned and some are instinctive. I believe that much of society has played a role in what the male and the female so-called identities are today. An outrageous example being that the female is to stay at home with the kids and the male is to go off to work an... Free Essays on Gender Differences Free Essays on Gender Differences When each of us was in our mother’s womb and shortly after we were conceived we did not have anything or anyone influencing the way we acted. After birth within a couple of months, although we do not remember but we can observe, our fathers and mothers were bearing an influence on our lives. While we were growing up and still to this day our surroundings influenced the way we think and behaved in our daily lives. We know people who are different in many ways and people who are similar to us in many ways. These differences and similarities take on different characteristics some are more subtle and some are very out right noticeable. However, for each individual the differences and similarities from one person to the next are going to vary in different ways. People all have relationships and these relations are how we identify with our friends and other people. One of the most noticeable characteristics between all people is the fact that some are male and some are female. On th e other hand the masculine and feminine traits in people are not nearly as noticeable even though all people show characteristics of both. The differences in males and females to most people are obvious; their biology is different causing them to have different sexual traits. They have different organs and different chemicals that make a man a male and a woman a female. However, biology is not selective within one generation and does not choose the characteristics males and females portray throughout their lives. I say one generation because an example of color blindness is brought up on page 16, but this is a random selection of one generation to the next generation in males. Also, some characteristics are learned and some are instinctive. I believe that much of society has played a role in what the male and the female so-called identities are today. An outrageous example being that the female is to stay at home with the kids and the male is to go off to work an...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Emerging Infectious Diseases - Research Paper Example Some emerging strains for instance avian influenza, resistant bacterial strains and respiratory tract viruses have become medically significant because of their high pathogenic nature and resistant new strains. Because of outbreaks and low preventive and medical measures, these emerging infectious diseases have a serious impact on the social, economic and agricultural impacts. Proper understanding about the disease, their clinical course, causative organisms and medical interventions are important to control and reduce their harmful effects on the mankind (Vaughan 2011). Emerging infectious diseases have become an interesting topic of research and study because of the vast medical knowledge they encompass and their conspicuous social, economic and medical impacts. A recent article in Los Angeles Times describes an astonishing aspect of urinary tract infections. The Canadian researchers have co-related the infection with ingestion of contaminated chicken. Beef and pork were less relat ed to urinary tract infections as compared to chicken which increases the risk for E.coli infection. The researchers have stated that the bacteria can enter the urinary tract from the intestine and the cause of contaminated chicken for urinary tract infections should always be considered. Hence, proper cooking and clean circumstances should be maintained while handling chicken. The chicken companies and chicken farms should be aware of this newly established yet important relation and perform strict sterilization and anti-contamination procedures to exclude any infection (Roan 2012). Zoonotic viruses also pose a serious threat to human immunity and are one of the emerging infectious diseases all over the world. A recent virus identified in a patient's blood was SFTSV virus that belonged to the Bunyaviridae family and was a phlebovirus. The virus causes a severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) and the disease manifests as fever with bleeding, gastrointestinal clinical fea tures and renal symptoms. The virus causing this infectious disease was found to be highly prevalent in China as it was positive in most of the provinces and a majority of population presented with positive results during the screening procedures. Mosquitoes and ticks are the vectors for this virus and molecular screening is suggested in the affected patients to identify this emerging zoonotic infectious disease. In China the prevalence of infectious diseases is also high because of the animals living in close relation to the human beings. Awareness about the zoonotic viruses, their vectors and the transmission is very important especially to the animal market professionals for the prevention and control of the disease. The economic factors of developing countries like Malaysia and China pose a major hindrance for the development of diagnostic techniques and molecular screening methods which are both specific and sensitive for the virus (Feldmann 2011). Outbreaks of Nipah virus in n orthern Bangladesh, affecting more than 30 people since the year 2011 has become prominent as an emerging infectious disease. With a mortality rate of 100% this disease has spread a wave of fear in the locals of northern Bangladesh. Fruit bats are the reservoirs for this virus and they spread the first Nipah virus infection through pig to